Parts of the Fura modular system:
Trellis / plank with or without supporting beams, in four heights and two widths.
Posts for straight-line attachment to planks, attachment at 90-degree angles, 135-degree angles and T-post, 90-degrees.
Pergola bars, overlays, loggia bars, cast iron parts.
Trellis / plank sections:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, S: These planks have the dimensions C-C 235 cm. The same planks are available in C-C 115 cm modules, in the A2, B2 categories, etc.
The planks are available in different heights, 100 cm, 135 cm, 170 cm and 220 cm. See figures.
Supporting posts:
S2, S5, S8 and S9. The posts are available in four heights 110 cm, 145 cm, 180 cm and 220 cm. When choosing a post, start with the basic size, for example S2 / 110.
For a straight-line attachment, please state S2 / 110 post height 110 cm - straight attachment.
Attachments at 90-degree angles, 135-degree angles or T-posts are also available, please see the downloadable drawings. For example: S5 / 145 post height, 145 cm T-post, etc.
All posts are ground-mounted 5 cm above ground surface. 2 iron fittings are included with each post.
Pergola beams:
Available in four versions:
PB1 length C-C 115 cm | total length 160 cm
PB2 length C-C 235 cm | total length 280 cm
PB3 length C-C 235 cm | total length 300 cm. NOTE! Without recesses for lintels
PB4 length optional. NOTE! Without recesses for lintels
6 pergola booms are needed per 235 cm section
3 pergola beams are needed per 115 cm section
Available in three versions:
Ö1 length C-C 115 cm | total length 115 cm
Ö2 length C-C 235 cm | total length 235 cm
Ö3 any length
Loggia beams:
LB Loggia beam
6 loggia beams are needed per 235 cm section
3 loggia beams are needed per 115 cm section
Append to product number
Wood and finish
Drawing templates and planks are available in AB-impregnated pine.
It is possible to make Fura child-friendly so that it fits preschool environments. This can be done with some trellises and the roof, where the pergola beams are closer. Contact Nola for more information.
BA for denser pergola beams that make the pergola child-friendly and provide more sun protection.