
Orm Trädbänk, komplett cirkel med rygg och 4 st armstöd

Orm System, en slingrande bänk av en U20-50/586/START, en U20-50/488/PB och en U20-50/RAK/PB med 4 st armstöd

Orm Trädbänk, komplett cirkel utan rygg

Orm Trädbänk, komplett cirkel med rygg och armstöd

Orm Trädbänk, komplett cirkel med rygg och 4 st armstöd. Oljad ek och svart stativ

Två sektioner av Orm med fastsättningsbara stativ. Specialbeställd sits i lackerad bok och stativ i annan färg än standard

Conceived as a modular design, individual Orm benches can combine to create a perfect circle, or form a semi-circle. Several benches can be placed at obtuse angles to create wave-like shapes. The bench can be made in a range of materials and combined with backrests and armrests, making it versatile and customisable.

Orm bench is approved in Svanens Husportal (oak) and is environmentally assessed via Byggvarubedomningen and Sundahus.


Dimensions and weight

Seat height: 48 cm
Outer diameter: 195 cm
Inner diameter: 85 cm
Seat depth: 55 cm
Weight: 81 kg

Seat height: 48 cm
Outer diameter: 195 cm
Inner diameter: 85 cm
Seat depth: 42 cm
Backrest height: 36 cm
Weight: 101 kg

Seat height: 48 cm
Outer diameter: 195 cm
Inner diameter: 85 cm
Seat depth: 42 cm
Backrest height: 36 cm
Armrest height: 24 cm
Weight: 107 kg

Material dimensions
Wood: Seat: 28 mm / 90 mm x 25 mm
Wood: Armrest: 42 mm / 92 mm x 25 mm
Wood: Backrest 40 mm x 25 mm
Steel tube: 76 mm x 2 mm
Steel sheet: 40 mm x 6 mm

Product numbers and combinations

PaketKompletta bänkar
U20-50Orm bench, complete circle without backrest. (Diameter 196 cm).
U20-50ROrm bench, complete circle with backrest and 4 armrests. (Diameter 196 cm).
U20-56Orm bench, complete circle with backrest and without armrests. (Diameter 196 cm).
Orm MöbelsystemIndividuella delar
U20-50Orm Bench, quarter circle seat section, for system.
U20-50/488Orm Bench, "488 cm" diameter seat section, for system
U20-50/586Orm Bench, "586 cm" diameter seat section, for system
U20-50/RAKOrm Bench, straight seat section, for system
U20-50ARMArmrest for bench with backrest.
U20-51ARMArmrest for bench without backrest.
Anges efter artikelnummerOrm Möbelsystem
/STARTför startsektion
/PBför påbyggnadssektion

Append to product number

Wood and finish

EK for oiled oak.
MH for oiled mahogany.

Metal surface finish

RAL 9005
C for any color on steel other than standard, start-up cost is added.


For Orm System (not complete benches), specify start or extension after article number.
/START for start section (two pairs of legs, two finish boards, one seat section).
/PB for extension section (one pair of legs, one seat section).
For more information check the system description.

Installation type

M for in-ground.
N for surface mount.

Standard colours

RAL 9005
Oiled oak
Oiled mahogany

Materials and surface treatments

Standardkulör på stålet är svart RAL 9005, glans 20-30. För andra kulörer på stålet tillkommer startkostnad.

Mahogany - FSC-certified

FSC-marked mahogany is a wood with good durability in the outdoor environment. In addition, it retains its color tone better than, for example, oak and teak. Mahogany lives and moves, sometimes more than teak.


Oak is a heavy, hard and medium tough wood. Moderately dimensionally stable in case of moisture changes. Oak wood blackens if it is exposed to moisture or wetness for a long time. However, it does not affect the other properties of the wood. Thanks to its hardness and toughness, the oak wood is suitable for furniture and other use in exposed environments.

Wood oil

Wood oil provides good protection against the stresses of the outdoor climate and at the same time highlights the wood's natural appearance and properties.


Nola uses high-quality steel with good strength in our products. Steel rusts if left untreated and must therefore be surface treated. 


Electrogalvanizing (also known as zinc plating) provides corrosion protection through the sacrifice of zinc ions. It is created via a zinc coating on the steel using an electric current.

Powder coating

Powder coating is a coating that is applied as a free-flowing, dry powder. Unlike conventional liquid paint, powder coating is usually applied electrostatically and then cured under heat or with ultraviolet light. The result is an even, hard-wearing coloured surface with the desired gloss level.

Assembly and placement


Cast in ground.

Surface mount

Can be bolted above ground, to the floor or to a cast-in-place foundation. Bolts not included.

Fully assembled.

If you create a snake shaped bench please order two end slats for the entire bench.

If you create a circle no end slats required.

When several benches are combined to make a circle or snake shape please order one pair of legs per bench ordered.


Oiled oak

Oiled oak should be oiled twice a year for best protection. Good maintenance can never completely prevent stains from occurring, but oak that is not maintained will turn blacker and turn gray faster, but it still has a very long life. When re-oiling products, a finely boiled oil that penetrates the wood should be chosen over a film-forming oil.

Oiled mahogany

Oiled mahogany should be oiled two times a year.

Powdercoated steel

Products that are powder-coated can be touch-up painted with alkyd paint.

Read more in our general maintenance advice at


A single bench is an individual 'quarter', a 90-degree section of a circle. Two benches are required to form a semi-circle and four are required to create a full circle.


Circular benches that can be grouped into circles, semi-circles or wavy shapes.

Conceived as a modular design, individual Orm benches can combine to create a perfect circle, or form a semi-circle. Several benches can be placed at obtuse angles to create wave-like shapes. The bench can be made in a range of materials and combined with backrests and armrests, making it versatile and customisable.

Orm bench is approved in Svanens Husportal (oak) and is environmentally assessed via Byggvarubedomningen and Sundahus.



White Arkitekter

White Arkitekter is one of Sweden’s leading architectural offices. With a focus on sustainable architecture, design and city planning, they aim to work for both the current and future generation. White Arkitekter’s aim is to through architecture be able to drive the transition towards a sustainable life. 

Olle Anderson

Olle Anderson started his career as civil engineer and started his career at White Architecture where he is partner today. Anderson has throughout the years worked with interior architecture and furniture design and in 1975 he founded the interior design departement at White. Throughout his career Anderson has received praise and acknowledgement for his work as a professor, honorary doctor and designer across the world, and won the award “Excellent Swedish design” a total of 19 times.