The pine is oiled twice a year.
Ipé has a durability of up to 40 years if it is not treated with more than normal care. With regular oiling once a season with wood oil, the durability is up to 100 years. Untreated Ipé will turn from reddish brown to a more silver gray color over time. If you want to keep the brown color, it must be treated and maintained with wood oil.
Linax impregnated pine
Outdoor furniture requires oiling every 5 years and panel products and roofs require oiling every 12 years. Maintenance should be done with linseed oil varnish. It is important that the wood is clean and dry (max. 20% moisture content) before it is finished with oil. When washing, do not use high-pressure cleaners. Washing should be done with lukewarm water and then rinsed off with a water hose at normal pressure. Strong grease-dissolving agents should not be used, but washing should be done with a mild household detergent. Detergents containing bleach should also not be used.
The oil can be applied with a roller or brush. Too much oil can cause growth on the wood and give a sticky surface. Attacks by growth can also occur if the wood has not been sufficiently dry or cleaned before the oil is applied. Growth does not damage the wood and is relatively easy to remove, but has a tendency to return.