
Stockholm Design Week 2020


This year, Nola's stand takes nature and growth as its theme and places emphasis on sustainability and circular production. The stand itself is designed by Anki Gneib and Mia Cullin, and our new planters feature flower arrangements from Claes Carlsson.

Our new product highlights include seating designs from Note Design Studio, Gunilla Allard and White. Here is an overview of the other new products showcased on our stand:

Basket furniture system, designed by Thomas Bernstrand

Loj Sun chair, designed by Thomas Bernstrand

Gard furniture group, designed by Odin Brange Sollie

Frank highchair, designed by David Taylor

Lotus planter, designed by Anna Kraitz

Large flower trellis, designed by Mia Cullin

Some of our existing products have been further developed to create new versions. These include the Cane backed bench designed by Broberg & Ridderstråle, the Basketball table designed by Ola Gillgren, the Axel chair designed by  Mats Aldén and the Cushy lounge chair designed by Gripner & Hägglund.

Henrik Edlund, Nola’s CEO, will participate in the ArkDes Museum’s SUSTAINORDIC event, where brands from Sweden and Norway present leading examples of sustainable furniture production. At the same time, The Nordic Report on sustainable consumption and production in the Nordic region, will be released.

Nolas monter Stockholm Furniture Fair 2020. Foto: Jann Lipka

This year, Nola’s student collaborations at Malmstens Linköping University will be launched at Stockholm Furniture Fair‘s ‘Greenhouse’ talent showcase. The students responded to a brief to design temporary park environments, or so-called ‘pop-up parks’.

Some of Mattias Stenberg’s designs for Nola will be presented in his solo exhibition at Stockholms Auktionsverk. Nola’s Näbb chair, Plymå modular sofa and Arena table are included in the exhibition.

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Architects Liljewall installed Nola’s Blenda bike stands in the concourse outside Stockholm's iconic Tomteboda building, an architectural landmark. As Blenda’s integrated LED lighting units show cyclists where to insert locks, they light up the surroundings for pedestrians too.